What products do we use?
We use trusted brands such as -
- Autobrite Direct
- Bilt Hamber
- Auto Finesse
- Autoglym
- EZ Car Care
We only use the best products to maintain you're vehicle's, no matter the value or size of them. This gives you the peace of mind knowing you're vehicle is being cared for in a safe and professional manner.
Why choose a mobile detailer over you're local drive in car wash?
Unlike those drive in car washes we regularly change wash mitts and always use clean microfiber towels. Along with always using the 2 bucket wash method with grit guards. These systems ensure that the safest process to getting you're vehicle clean is followed. As a rule we never use acid based products as these can be very harmful to painted surfaces and rubber trims, which can leave permanent damage.
What if the worst happens?
We have public liability insurance, this ensures that if any damage is caused by us that it will be rectified.
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